Get Your Remote Sales Team Firing on All Cylinders

The pandemic changed the way the world approaches work forever. Due to lockdowns across the world, employers were forced to make working from home compatible with their services.

And the sales industry was no exception. For many B2B sales companies, the transition to remote working has been a steep learning curve, filled with a lot of trial and error.

But two years into this pandemic, we finally have solid strategies that we can implement to enhance the potential of our teams.

Why are B2B sales teams choosing to work remotely?

As we come out of the pandemic, and rules go back to normal, many companies are deciding to continue with their remote working setup. But why?

Well firstly, working remotely cuts the cost of running your business dramatically. Office spaces cost a lot of money, so being able to work remotely helps out smaller and medium-sized businesses.

Secondly, many workers have come to appreciate working from home, and find it more enjoyable than working from an office.

Finally, it provides everyone with the potential for a better work-life balance by cutting commuting times and giving employees the freedom to spend more time with family and friends.

But with a new work style, comes new requirements for management styles in order to keep the team running smoothly and sales consistent (or, hopefully, booming!).

Six ways to manage your remote sales team

1.Provide adequate training for the team

Working remotely means learning new sales strategies and technology that aids the process to move as smoothly as possible. Given that sales reps are on their own, unable to walk to a colleague’s desk to ask for help whenever they want, it’s crucial to provide them with in-depth core training.

Prepare a training program for new and veteran sales team members alike that incorporates the key strategies needed to make successful sales from home.

Be sure to make the training as interactive as possible and encourage active participation from everyone in the team, as this will allow learning to be absorbed better, as well as creating a much-needed feeling of team bonding.

2.Provide the correct software solutions

Working from home, each member of your sales team needs to be given the correct technology to work with. Software is your best friend when it comes to remote selling.

When choosing software for your business, make sure it allows seamless communication between team members and provides easy access to vital updates as and when needed.

Having the right software can be the difference between a happy team that appears competent to potential buyers, and frustrated team members that appear unprofessional to prospective buyers.

3.Regular team meetings

Communication is a must when it comes to leading a remote B2B sales team. With everyone working on their own, it’s important to bring the team together at least once a week.

Getting together once a week allows team members to address any concerns that arise throughout the week that you can troubleshoot as a team.

This is also the perfect opportunity to keep your team in the loop with any important work updates and set the tone for the work environment you are trying to cultivate.

But, perhaps most importantly, it’s an opportunity for the sales team to connect with each other and be reminded that they aren’t working alone. Working remotely can be a lonely, isolating experience, so encouraging your colleagues to interact will help team morale which in turn will improve productivity.

4.Check in with your remote team members on a 1-1 basis

Just checking in with your team during meetings isn’t enough. You need to make sure you are keeping an open line of communication with each individual in your sales team.

This gives everyone the opportunity to talk about what is going well and what’s going not so well so you can help them find solutions to their problems. This shows your employees that they are supported and creates a sense of trust that allows them to confidently carry on doing a great job.

5.Provide additional coaching

While core training is essential for your team, some teammates may have specific aspects of remote selling they feel less confident in.

Some team members may also feel shy or nervous about asking questions in front of a group, or may just learn differently and needed adjusted training – coaching will help with this.

Provide the possibility for additional coaching on software, sales strategies, or anything else that individuals may need so that can make the most of their work hours.

6.Set clear goals and expectations

One of the most important things you can do for your team is to set clear goals and expectations for them to strive for.

Being clear on sales goals helps your team know what they need to do and gives them something to aim for.

Make sure you specify how you will be measuring performance towards each goal so that your team knows how to manage their workload properly. Nobody likes to be micromanaged, so giving your team members the tools and expectations they need to reach the business sales goals will create a happier workforce.

This will then allow your sales team to discover their own workflow without jeopardizing the overall output and objectives of the company.

Final thoughts

Remote working is a big adjustment for most B2B sales companies but is fast becoming the norm. The future of work is not full-time at the office, so it’s up to you to step up as a leader and rally your sales team to get the best out of them.

Using the strategies above, you’ll be able to empower your Remote Sales Team to smash their sales goals and thrive in this new normal.